Working Together:

The best way to discover if we’re a good fit for each other - is to experience working together! 

To achieve this I like to spend a couple of (totally free) sessions with you.

That way there’s enough time to learn if this work inspires you, if I’m your person, to dig in and get clear on:

  • your ideal business vision and where you really want to be

  • the challenges that are pulling you down and getting in the way

  • which key actions will have you moving forward with confidence and ease

Even two sessions can be quite powerful, and depending on where you are on your journey, you may find that’s enough to give you the clarity you need at this moment. 

Alternatively, you discover this is exactly the kind of coaching and strategy work that you and/or your business need to thrive, feel alive and hit your financial goals. In that case, we’ll outline how to work together to get you those results!

Session timeframes - This is something we’ll figure out together depending on your aims and areas of focus. Though clients and I have found meeting (in-person or virtually) for 1-1.5 hours at a time, either weekly or fortnightly, works best.

After your first two complimentary sessions, I suggest a minimum of six sessions - up to a year, to have the tools, plan and confidence for you and your business to thrive.

Pricing varies - After your first two complimentary sessions (either in-person or virtually). Sessions are $100-180 depending on the length of individual sessions & number of sessions in an overall time frame.

NEW Businesses: ‘From Start to Up and Running’

During our meetings (in-person or virtual) you’ll have my full coaching and strategy support. Together we’ll get crystal clear on where you want to be, the steps needed to get you there, and how to achieve them - all while breaking through any mindset blocks along the way.

Here’s what we’ll do:

  • Get your foundational pieces in place - Starting with what you actually want, the money you want to make, the amount of time you wish to invest, and overall what you ideally want your life to look like.

  • Review and validate your business idea to make sure it will convert to interest and ultimately sales.

  • Create your website - I’ll support you with the tech, content and copy.

  • Get really clear on exactly who your customer will be/who you wish to serve - this is essential for a profitable business.

  • Get your online marketing humming by focusing on: email list building, content creation and strategy, and social media plan

  • And go! - All the pieces are in place. You’re now ready to grow your business.

EXISTING Businesses: ‘Rising to the next level’

During our meetings (in-person or virtual) you’ll have my full coaching and strategy support. Together we’ll get crystal clear on where you want to be, the steps needed to get you there, and how to achieve them - all while breaking through any mindset blocks along the way.

Here’s what we’ll do:

  • Let’s start with revisiting the foundational pieces - What did you want when you started this business, how much money, how much time spent, and what did you want your life to look like?

  • We’ll address your workload and any burnout, and get you working smarter, not harder.

  • Review who your ideal customer is and how to connect with them.

  • Make sure your website is converting to engagement and sales. We’ll update your copy too.

  • Renew and revive your online marketing: email list building, content creation, content and social media strategy. Plus revisiting your copywriting so it sounds like you!

  • Do you have employees? Do you need to hire someone? Let’s get tight and effective.

  • To grow your business with ease, you need systems - let’s get them in place now.

EXISTING Businesses: ‘Strategy Audit’

Together we’ll take one or a few days (broken up however works best) to have a high-level look at where you are, where you want to be, and what needs to be put in place to get you there.

Here’s the framework we’ll use:

  • Profit - Where is it coming from and how much? 

  • Time - How much time is being used to create that profit?

  • Customer - Do you know exactly who they are? Do you understand their fears and dreams? 

  • Products - Are they meeting the needs of your customer? Can they be improved?

  • Copy - Does your copy and content speak directly to your ideal customer?

  • Brand - Is your brand positioning in line with your ideal customer’s desires?

  • Marketing - What are you currently doing? Is it working? What needs to be tweaked?

  • Vision - What is your future vision? We’ll plan it out so you get there.

This is what you can expect from working with me:

Feeling truly heard about where you’re at, where you want to go, and understanding your ‘why’ underneath your business goals and dreams.

Getting clear on the order of priorities to get your business moving in the direction of increased sales, impact and enjoyment.

Learning the exact online marketing skills of email, social media, copywriting and all the pieces in between, that move your desired customers to raving buyers and fans.

Knowing how to write copy that engages your audience, and designing your website so it converts interest into loyal customers.

Understanding what tech you need for what purpose and when.

You want loyal, dream customers who love your products or services and will happily pay for them, yes?

Then it's time to get super clear on who your ideal, dream customers are and understand their unique challenges and aspirations - So you can craft laser-focused messaging that resonates, and offer the very solutions they're looking for and can't wait to buy from you!

Grab your free worksheet and be walked through a simple but powerful exercise to understand exactly who these customers are!